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How to Find Meaning in the Face of Death - The Atlantic

How to Find Meaning in the Face of Death - The Atlantic

The psychiatrist William Breitbart lives at the edge of life and death. As chairman of the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York, Breitbart specializes in end-of-life care for terminally ill cancer patients. For many of his patients, the most pressing question isn’t when they’ll die or how painful death will be. Rather, it’s what makes life meaningful. They are in search of a meaning that cannot be destroyed by death.

Is there one?                                                         

Breitbart has spent the better part of his career trying to answer that question. His ground-breaking research shows that while the specter of death often leads people to conclude that their lives are meaningless, it can also be a catalyst for them to work out, as they never have before, the meaning of their lives.

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A Movement Rises to Retake Higher Education - WSJ

A Movement Rises to Retake Higher Education - WSJ

Blame the "Loneliness Epidemic" for the Well-being Crisis - The Hill

Blame the "Loneliness Epidemic" for the Well-being Crisis - The Hill