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In 2017, Pursue Meaning Instead of Happiness - New York Magazine's Science of Us

What would you rather have: a happy life or a meaningful life?

You can both be happy and lead a meaningful life, of course. But most of us, consciously or not, choose the pursuit of happiness over the pursuit of meaning. “Happy holidays,” we wish each other; “Happy New Year,” we say. If you’re like 45 percent of Americans, you are setting New Year’s resolutions with the aim of leading a happier life: One of the most popular, according to Nielsen, is to “enjoy life to the fullest.” In surveys, most people list happiness as their top value, and self-help books and life coaches make up part of a multibillion-dollar industry.

But should happiness really be the only goal that motivates us?

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For a Meaningful Life, Take a Page Out of George Eliot’s Book

For a Meaningful Life, Take a Page Out of George Eliot’s Book

Fetters and Freedom: On Thomas Merton - The New Criterion